Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Gun (out of) Control

I am compelled to dust off my blog writing skills in response to the horrific shooting in Aurora, Colorado, at a midnight showing of "The Dark Knight Rises." It occurs to me that we can no longer worry about political correctness when speaking up about gun regulation.

For some reason, the Republicans, members of the NRA, and the Far Right will have you believe that Democrats and Liberals want to ban guns entirely and take away your right to bear arms.

I am here to tell you that the problem isn't that people have guns. The problem is that crazy people can get guns too easily.

Therefore, I have suggestions and solutions which will help narrow the possibility of the wrong people getting their hands on guns. Don't get me wrong. I don't think we're going to completely eradicate the problem. But doing nothing is unacceptable. Something is better than nothing. Taking some action is better than endless arguing about constitutional rights.

1. Better safeguards before you can buy a gun. A car is considered a deadly weapon, right? How much more so is that true of a gun?

To drive a car, you first have to take a class and pass two tests (written and practical) before you're granted the privilege of having a driver's license and being allowed to drive on public roads where other people's lives are at stake.

Why should you not go through a similar screening process before you can own a gun? The screening process should include safety training on how to use a gun, a written test, and a practical test at a shooting range, along with a background check, a mandatory psychological evaluation, and a reasonable waiting period.

2. Limit where you can buy guns. Make it illegal to buy or sell guns and ammunition on the Internet. Period.

Instead, require all gun/ammo purchases to be done in an authorized store, where you have to present your photo ID, proof of gun license, and have the transaction filmed on a video camera. Your purchase is then entered into a national database, which includes the serial number of the gun.

3. National Database. There should be a database that not only tracks the sale of guns, but also cross-links with violent criminals. If someone has committed a crime using any kind of weapon, be it a knife, their fists, their car, arson, etc., they should never be allowed to buy a gun.

If you object to these safeguards, that would be a red flag to me.  Anyone who wants to own a gun for legitimate reasons, should agree to regulating the process more stringently.

It seems that Republiphants and Donkocrats make this an all-or-nothing proposition, and it doesn't have to be. I'm not suggesting that we eliminate your right to have a gun. I'm simply proposing that we tighten the reins before you can get your hands on one. You should absolutely have to jump through hoops before getting a gun.

Again, none of these steps will guarantee a foolproof system. Somehow, somewhere, some wacko will find a way through and cheat the system. But if we even eliminate 50% of these tragedies from occurring, isn't that a start, and isn't that better than nothing?

People need to remember that civil rights and civil liberties relate to the individual only. "Freedom" does not include the right to bring harm to others. When your choices and your rights infringe on my safety, then middle ground must be found.

In my quest for information, I found a website called JustFacts: "a resource for independent thinkers." It has comprehensive information along with staggering statistics on guns.

Click JustFacts and you'll be taken directly to their page on this topic.

Here's another fact. Guns don't kill people... bullets do. So let's stop selling bullets to crazy, irresponsible, dangerous people!

My heart goes out to the families of the victims and the survivors of this tragedy. I hope some good can come out of it, if only to wake up our country to the importance of gun control, motivate people to be more informed, and force lawmakers to step up their game.

Instead of taking combative positions, we need to work together as a nation and as a people to fix our broken country. Violence is out of control.

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